ASNT Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship

The main aim of the ASNT Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship is to provide financial help to engineering undergraduate students who are enrolled in ABET-accredited engineering programs to choose nondestructive testing and evaluation as their field of specialization.

Full Description

The Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship grants $3,000 per award to students enrolled in colleges and universities in the United States with recognized engineering programs.

There are 3 lucky recipients each year and if you find yourself eligible, you should not waste your time, but apply for the award once the application procedure starts.

Who's eligible?

When the eligibility is in question, the future application should know that the award is available only to undergraduate students enrolled in colleges and universities in the United States with recognized engineering department programs at the time the application and the applicant must show their anticipated graduation date to be later than the date the award funds are to be distributed.

The scholarship is restricted to students studying Energy and Power Engineering, Engineering-Related Technologies, Engineering/Technology.

What the applicant must also show is an active interest in the field of nondestructive testing and evaluation.

All these will be taken into consideration when the scholarship committee evaluates the applications and determines the winner.

How to Apply

Students applying for the Award must submit the following:

  • Completed application form – signed by the applicant and school official which can be downloaded from the scholarship provider’s website
  • Outline of student’s program of study;
  • Official school transcript showing all completed coursework;
  • Three individual letters of recommendation, signed by three faculty members
  • Student’s original essay describing how he/she envisions the role of NDE/NDT in his/her career.

All the application materials must be submitted electronically.

If your educational institution will submit transcripts electronically then have them submit the transcript to ASNT using the webpage for submission of application.

Make sure you submit all the required documents prior to the application deadline on 15 December.

If you happen to be the lucky recipient, the announcements will be made in the August Issue of Materials Evaluation.

Funds will be made available in July.

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